One the key objectives of CSHIPP is to gather and synthesise knowledge and results from different projects to ensure effective use and transferability of the results in the field of clean shipping. In practice this means that partners from the various clean shipping projects involved in CSHIPP synthesise results from their projects and compile these in a way that makes it easy to utilise for the organizations and authorities working with maritime industry and the environmental impacts of shipping. In CSHIPP, the environmental focus is largely on air quality, water quality, human health, and marine and land ecosystems. Information and data on these will be disseminated in the form of presentations during personal consultations and conferences and written outputs such as short reports that are relevant and understandable for their respective target groups.

2019 was the first full operational year of CSHIPP. During the year, the platform partners worked intensively on the overall objectives and deliverables of CSHIPP. Some results are already available here on our website and more will be published during 2020. In terms of synthesised knowledge on the environmental impacts of shipping, we have already published three reports: one focusing on information related to emissions to water, another focusing on noise emissions from shipping and a third one focusing on air pollution from shipping. All three reports are based on research work within previous projects.

In addition to the reports already available, CSHIPP will also publish a best practice report on how to control that ships comply with current and future IMO regulation in Baltic Sea region, an analysis of knowledge gaps, stakeholder needs and funding possibilities in science-to-policy networks, a report focusing on best practices in utilising research-to-business networks in the field of clean shipping, and a best practice manual on clean shipping financing. There are also other outputs that will be finalised during this final year of the project so stay tuned for updates!