Event update 06.04.2020
As there has been a great interest in attending “The Business of Clean Shipping” conference, which was supposed to be held at The Danish Maritime Fair, we proudly invite you to our first online conference allowing you to do your cyber networking with an even more international participant list! See below for more information!
The activities of CSHIPP revolve around two key themes: the environmental impacts of shipping and the business potential in clean shipping. By discussing these themes both separately and simultaneously, CSHIPP strives to emphasise that environmentally friendly shipping and profitable business can very well support rather than exclude one another. With this ethos in mind, CSHIPP invites interested stakeholders to take part in the online conference The Business of Clean Shipping on Thursday, the 14th of May at 13.00-16.00.
The event focuses on the ways digital solutions contribute to gains in operational efficiency, reductions in emissions and return of investment. Furthermore, the event features a presentation of the Njord Project, which is a collaboration between Cargill, Maersk Tankers and Mitsui & Co. aimed at lowering maritime GHG emissions through existing fuel-saving technologies and exploring new technical solutions. Participants will also learn about how collaboration can be a catalyst for commercially viable green shipping and how a cost-benefit model can be utilised for assessing different clean shipping investments.
The event is organised by CSHIPP partners The Maritime Development Center and Tallinn University of Technology. Participation is free of charge.
For more information and registration, please visit: https://mdc.center/events/2020/5/14/cshipp-conference-the-business-of-clean-shipping

13:00 Welcome and intro to the topic
Jan Boyesen, Head of Projects, MDC
13:10 ”Collaboration as a catalyst for commercially viable green shipping – The case of the Getting to Zero Coalition and the Poseidon Principles”
Kasper Søgaard, Head of Research, Global Maritime Forum
13:30 “Sustainable Business Models for Clean Shipping”
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Prause, Tallinn University of Technology
13:55 CASE: Njord project – Fuel-saving reductions as an investor case and of the benefit for the shipowners and environment
Steen Sander Jacobsen, Head of Technology and Innovation, Maersk Tankers (TBC)
14:15 BREAK
14:30 CASE: “Clean shipping through digitalization of operations and processes”
How implemented digital solutions for ship operations and port logistics contribute to gains in operational efficiency gains, emissions and return of investment for the 3 cases: Island Ferries, DFDS and J. Lauritzen.
Niels Gorm Maly Rytter, Head of Section, University of Southern Denmark
Marie Lützen, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Mads Billesø, Senior Project Manager, Innovation and Partnerships, DFDS
15:20 Debate / Q&A
16:00 Online conference ends
Moderator: Jan Boyesen, Head of Projects, MDC