CSHIPP Work Package 2
Research to Policy Clean Shipping Activities
Report on emissions to water:
The publication contains information related to emissions to water from shipping based on research work within the BONUS SHEBA project. (Report prepared by Karl Jivén, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
Report on noise pollution from shipping:
The publication contains information related to noise emissions from shipping based on research work within the BONUS SHEBA project. (Report prepared by Karl Jivén, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute)
Report on air pollution from shipping:
The publication contains information related to air pollution from shipping based on research work within the BONUS SHEBA and EnviSum projects. (Report prepared by Michael Gauss, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Jan Eiof Jonson (Norwegian Meteorological Institute), Jana Moldanova (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute), Johan Mellqvist (Chalmers University of Technology), Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen (Finnish Meteorological Institute), Volker Matthias (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), and Matthias Karl (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht).)
Best practice report on compliance monitoring of ships with respect to current and future IMO regulation:
The report focuses on best practice in remote compliance monitoring of fuel sulfur content without stepping on board of the ship. Similar measurements for NOx are also shown, with a discussion whether these can be used for compliance monitoring. Some examples of remote measurements of black carbon are also provided. (Report prepared by Johan Mellqvist and Vladimir Conde, Chalmers University of Technology)
Report on knowledge gaps and research strategies on the environmental impacts of shipping and their mitigation:
The report briefly reviews current clean shipping policies and their environmental effects and highlights important knowledge gaps. Possible strategies for research on impacts of shipping on the environment and climate are also outlined. (Report prepared by Jana Moldanová, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute; Michael Gauss, Norwegian Meteorological Institute; Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Finnish Meteorological Institute; Jan Eiof Jonson, Norwegian Meteorological Institute; Volker Matthias, Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry, Helmholtz-Zentrum;Sari Repka, Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku; Johan Mellqvist, Chalmers University of Technology)
Book of abstracts from the scientific conference "Shipping and the Environment II - From Regional to Global Perspectives":
In September 2019, over 70 researchers, academics and policy-makers from Europe and other parts of the world came together in Gothenburg, Sweden for the second Shipping & the Environment – From Regional to Global Perspectives conference. The event was jointly organised by CSHIPP, The Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), the Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), Chalmers University of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the BONUS secretariat. The main focus of the three days was on the environmental impacts of shipping and the policy measures and abatement strategies for cleaner and more sustainable maritime transportation. The first day of the conference, organised by CSHIPP, centered on policy options for sustainable shipping.
Download the book of abstracts here.
CSHIPP Work Package 4
Business Potential in New Clean Shipping Technology
Workshop proceedings
Proceedings of the workshop “Electric Mobility on Waters – Contributions for Clean Shipping” (pdf) (Report prepared by Alexander John, ATI Küste GmbH)
Proceedings of the workshop “E-ferries and urban mobility” (pdf) (Report prepared by Alexander John, ATI Küste GmbH)
Research report "State of Play and Future Needs for Clean Shipping":
To reduce the negative environmental impacts of shipping, many new technologies and measures are being explored. CSHIPP report “State of Play and Future Needs for Clean Shipping” delves into some of the latest scientific and technical developments in the field of clean shipping. The work is based on literature studies, internet research, study visits and experiences as well as the authors’ professional knowledge and experiences. (Report prepared by Alexander John, ATI Küste GmbH and Tadeusz Borkowski, Maritime University of Szczecin).
Download the report (pdf) “State of Play and Future Needs for Clean Shipping”
Infographic (pdf): Towards Cleaner Shipping
Infographic (pdf): State of Play and Future Needs for Clean Shipping
Research report "Best Practices in Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Clean Shipping Projects":
The report is based on data collection through a literature review and expert interviews. Several individuals were interviewed to explore their experiences of cross-sectoral projects, to discuss the lessons they have learned from cross-sectoral project consortiums as well as to give practical examples of what successful collaboration entails. The aim of the report is to offer insights for anyone taking part in project collaboration, including ongoing and future projects, and for those who are at the application phase, or even just planning first ideas or building a project consortium. (Report prepared by Teemu Itälinna, Pan European Institute at the University of Turku)
Download infographic (pdf) on cross-sectoral collaboration in clean shipping projects
Manual of Best Practises in Clean Shipping Financing in Europe:
To present the large variety of available funding instruments for clean shipping in Europe and the opportunities these instruments provide, CSHIPP partners from Tallinn University of Technology have compiled a manual which delves into several funding sources and instruments such as Horizon 2020, European structural and investment funds, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, Connecting Europe Facility and Green Shipping Loan Programme. In addition, the manual presents practical cases of clean shipping financing by exploring projects which have received EU funding. The manual is targeted to industry end-users in the private sector as well as to research organisations interested in finding out more about available funding options and combinations that can be utilised. Geographically, the focus is in the Baltic Sea region but examples from other areas are also discussed. (Report prepared by Yassine Bakkar, Eunice Olaniyi, Gunnar Klaus Prause, and Olha Prokopenko – Tallinn University of Technology)
Download Manual of Best Practices in Clean Shipping Financing in Europe (pdf)
CSHIPP Work Package 5
Platform influence
Policy recommendations and guidance for clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region:
CSHIPP Work Package 3
Online Dissemination of Clean Shipping Data
Website demonstrating effects of shipping on air and water quality:
CSHIPP partner Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) has established an extended Baltic Sea ship emission inventory including innovative approaches for data dissemination and further analysis as part of a model analysis approach using Rasdaman big data technology. The online inventory includes map collections in the CSHIPP Explorer which describe pollutant concentration distributions caused by shipping emissions in the Baltic Sea region. The invetory portal is available at
Storymap focusing on clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region:
To share information about the environmental impacts of shipping, CSHIPP partners have created an interactive storymap which describes the work done for environmentally friendly shipping in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to promoting clean shipping, the storymap provides interesting insights into the role and importance of waterborne transportation in the Baltic Sea region.
- English version of the storymap is available at
- Russian version of the storymap is available at
Animation on clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region:
A short animation focusing on the work done for clean shipping in the Baltic Sea region. The animation is available at