To share information on shipping emissions to policy-makers, authorities, scientists and other interested stakeholders, CSHIPP partners at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) have prepared an extended Baltic Sea ship emission inventory. The Ship Emissions website serves as an online portal featuring innovative approaches for data dissemination and further analysis.
The website features CSHIPP Explorer map collection which describes pollutant concentration distributions caused by shipping in the Baltic Sea region. The Explorer incorporates chemistry transport model results for the year 2012 and for different emission scenarios in 2040. The data in the Explorer can be visualised and compared to each other. Regional and seasonal differences can also be explored. In addition to the map collection, the website also features a story map focusing on air pollution from shipping in the Baltic Sea region. story on air pollution of shipping in the Baltic Sea region.
The ship emissions website is hosted by coastMap web site of HZG and it will be developed further and maintained as part of coastal pollution toolbox of HZG.
To access the ship emissions website, please visit