On 16-17 May 2019, Europe’s maritime community gathered in Lisbon, Portugal to network, discuss and forge joint action at The European Maritime Day. This year the focus of the event was on blue entrepreneurship, research, innovation and investment to boost sustainable technologies and emerging value chains in the wider ocean economy. CSHIPP took part in the event in the form of a green shipping -themed workshop “The green course towards decarbonization: winning the challenge” which was jointly organised by Waterborne European Technology Platform, SeaEurope, European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (HydrogenEurope), CSHIPP Clean Shipping project platform and NABU German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union.
The workshop focused on the needs, motivation and feasibility for a green shift in maritime transport by addressing the following topics:
- Protecting the environment: the role of ECA areas.
- The commitment of EU stakeholders: conservative or ambitious?
- Zero emission in a circular economy: a possible scenario.
- Financing clean shipping technologies
The workshop was moderated by Paolo Guglia (Technical Director, Waterborne European Technology Platform) and it featured presentations from Francisco Ferreira (President of the Board, ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System), Henk Prins (Chairman, WATERBORNE European Technology Platform), Nicolas Brahy (Director, Hydrogen Europe) and CSHIPP project partner Yassine Bakkar (Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology).

Speakers of the workshop

Yassine Bakkar presenting the green shipping financing programmes in Europe
For CSHIPP, the workshop provided an opportunity to share information about the best practices in clean shipping financing for private companies which is one the objectives of the platform. In his presentation, Yassine Bakkar focused on the funding programmes and opportunities available for clean shipping in the EU. According to Mr. Bakkar, the aftermath of the financial crisis saw many banks withdrawing themselves of their role as investment sources. As a response to this, initiatives such as the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) -launched jointly by the European Investment Bank, the European Invesment Fund and the European Commission – have been set up to revive investment in strategic projects around the EU to ensure that money reaches the real economy. In addition to EFSI, measures such as Green Loan Priciples (GLP), Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the partnership between European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and The International Maritime Organization, and the European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF) are currently providing funding and capacity-building activities for projects and initiatives that support sustainable shipping. The possibilities to integrate and blend different instruments vary and it is therefore important that companies consider potential options carefully to find the most suitable investment options for their needs.
The workshop gathered many interested participants who were also eager to ask questions which indicates that the topic of the workshop is of relevance to many. In CSHIPP, the work on researching clean shipping financing for private companies continues as Tallinn University of Technology is developing a best practice manual of clean shipping financing which focuses on consolidated funding sources and funding types, and on case examples of successful projects to help create a common standpoint for the sustainability of clean shipping policy deployment in the Baltic Sea region. The manual will offer industry end-users, and research organisations an easy access to information about available funding options as well as provide them with recommendations from experts specialised in their field. More information about the manual will be published later via CSHIPP channels. In the meantime, Yassine Bakkar’s presentation on the green shipping financing programmes in Europe can be downloaded here.

Audience of the workshop