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CSHIPP is involved in the upcoming international conference Shipping and the Environment II – From Regional to Global Perspectives which focuses on the environmental impacts of shipping and their coupling to the development of the maritime transport sector, policies and marine spatial planning. The conference is organised in Gothenburg, Sweden on 4-6 September 2019.

Shipping and the Environment II conference is a joint event including Symposium on Scenarios and Policy Options for Sustainable Shipping, organised by CSHIPP platform, and four sessions focusing on emissions and abatement measures, atmospheric and marine processes and shipping-related above- and underwater noise, organised by Gothenburg Atmospheric Centre (GAC), International Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) and BONUS secretariat.

CSHIPP’s Symposium on Scenarios and Policy Options for Sustainable Shipping will be organised on 4th September (afternoon). The symposium assesses impacts of shipping under different scenario developments on environment, ecosystem services, human health and society.

For more information about the event, please download the call for abstracts here and visit: