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Digitalisation and 3D scanning at shipyard (training)

Klaipeda Science and Technology Park Vilhelmo Berbomo g. 10, Klaipeda, Lithuania

CSHIPP platform partner ECOPRODIGI project is organising a "Digitalisation and 3D scanning at shipyard" training day in Klaipeda, Lithuania on Wednesday, the 5th of February. The day is targeted to...

Baltic Sea Day 2020 (cancelled / postponed)

EXPOFORUM Convention and exhibition centre Peterburgskoye sh 64/1, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Event update 18.03.2020 Due to the on-going situation with coronavirus/COVID-19, "Baltic Sea Day 2020" has been postponed. New dates for the event are 16-18 September 2020.   The 21st International Environmental...

European Maritime Day 2020 (cancelled / postponed)

Cork City Hall Cork City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork, Ireland

Event Update: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, European Maritime Day 2020 has been cancelled / postponed for later. The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference and Expo is an annual...

Online conference “The Business of Clean Shipping”

Event update 06.04.2020 Due to the on-going situation with coronavirus/COVID-19, the event “The Business of Clean Shipping” has been transferred online! As there has been a great interest in attending...

Innovative Transport for a Greener Europe

Mediterranean Palace Salaminos 3, Thessalonki, Greece

Greener Europe is the leading theme for the upcoming years in Europe. Different transportation modes play significant roles when building a platform for a more sustainable Europe. Innovative Transportation for a...

BSR Electric’s final conference (online)

The final conference of the project BSR Electric takes place online on the 16th and the 17th of June 2020. Aiming at maximize outreach and transnational learning far beyond the...

The 11th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR

The 11th EUSBSR Annual Forum will be organised as a Virtual Event on 20 October 2020. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak and concerns regarding the situation later this year, the...

CSHIPP webinar on international clean shipping policies

Synthesising the findings of several European projects focusing on the implementation of policy-based and technological abatement measures for clean and sustainable shipping, their environmental benefits, trade-offs and business potential has...